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The Dragon Egg I drew


Twilight (Night Form) Dragon Art Trade with Moose Creeper

Name: Twilight Dragon

Elements:Icon Sun Icon Moon

Description: "One night when the witch Eldees Mag was out side conjuring up some spells she looked up and immediately some grabbed her eye: 3 moons! She knew one of them wasn't a moon because it was one of her Moonstruck Dragons, but she didn't remember having two! She decided to stay outside for awhile to see what it was! Well, she ended up staying till midnight when it changed form and looked more like a sun! That was when she realized, it wasn't a Moonstruck Dragon at all!"

Notes: The Twilight Dragon (if added into the game) would change forms depending on dawn or dusk

Breeding: Dawn Dragon + Dusk Dragon

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My drawing

Name: Heliotrope Dragon

Elements: Icon Crystalline

Description: The Great Nogard was traveling through all his Dragonsai Trees and Bushes, picking them off one by one like on his normal days, so he could give more gems to the beginners. While he was doing this he heard a ruffle through all the trees which was peculiar. He headed toward the noise but he couldn't find it which confused him but, when he turned around and saw it. A cute little shiny green Heliotrope dragon. "Oh my!" The Great Nogard exclaimed. As he looked at this dragon, it had disappeared unbelievably fast!

Notes: Heliotrope is a variety of Jasper and is also known as Bloodstone while Heliotrope is also the name of a plant.

Breeding: Willow Dragon + Lava Dragon


Wreath Dragon Egg

Name: Wreath Dragon

Elements: Icon Ornamental

Description: "The Great Nogard was going to the Snowfall Spire to buy his decorations for the years Winter Frostival like he did before. This time though, he saw something he hadn't seen before, a wreath! "Wow!" he thought, they should of added this long before to the Snowfall Spire! Then he noticed something peculiar, the wreath was moving! Then all of a sudden, POP! The wreath flipped around and the head of a dragon was facing right towards him!" 

Notes: If this would to be added into the game, it would add wreaths to its ornamental habitat.

Obtaining: Iceberry template4,000

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Iridium Dragon

Name: Iridium Dragon

Elements: Icon TreasureIcon Rainbow

Description: TBA

Notes: The name was suggested by Cheyser. The reason it has the rainbow element is because Iridium was named after the Latin word "iris" which means "a rainbow." The reason it was named after the word "a rainbow" is because of Iridiums brightly colored salts.

Breeding: Chrome Dragon + Rainbow Dragon

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Sweet Dragon Egg

Name: Sweet Dragon

Elements: Icon Seasonal

Description: TBA

Notes: TBA

Breeding: Berry Dragon + Nectar Dragon

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Oil Dragon Egg

Name: Oil Dragon

Elements: Icon DarkIcon FireIcon EarthIcon Water

Description: TBA


Breeding: Bone Dragon + Ooze Dragon

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Name: Envy Dragon

Elements: Aura



Obtaining: Rose template4,956

Name: Wither Dragon

Elements: Icon Seasonal

Description: TBA

Notes: The idea of this dragon was suggested by NosferatutheDeathwing.

Breeding: Autumn Dragon + Apocalypse Dragon

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Fear Egg

Name: Horror

Elements: Icon MoonIcon DreamAura

Description: TBA

Notes: The name was from Halley the Comet Dragon.

Breeding: Midnight Dragon + Nightmare Dragon
