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DragonVale Wiki

"what am i gonna do! the Lil'Wolfies will hate me if they find out bout us!" Princess La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice thought to herself. "should i just come clean or should i keep dis a secret! tem gurl'z wont understand our love! i gots to do somethin' boput dis!" she said "maybe i shuld go four a walk or somethin'!"

and with that the princess left her appartment and without knowing went to a turf for antoher gang called Deh Lil'Octvaives! "yo', yo' there what yo' be doin' here on my turf!" called out a gurl wearing neon clothing with a chello in her hand bout to strike our princess!

"Gurl who yo' be talkin' to, i am Princess La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice so dont yo' dare talk to me like dat gurl unless yo want that stupid giant guartair smashed on yo'!"

"gurl yo' dont even know who yo' be dealin' with! i am Princess Spongbobisha! now get off my turf befor me and my gurlz go and beat yo'!"

"Gurl i can't even, what bout yo' go back to starbucks with your venti coffies and yo' uggs, and dem juicy sweats of yo'rs!"

"Gurl yo' did not just, her meh gaweddd i can't even aright neow! Gurl'z get her!" Princess Spongbobisha called out!

"Gurl don't yo' even, i have meh karati skillz to beat yo'!" our princess single handly took our Spongbobisha's minions, "gurl get out befor' i beat yo' with dat chello!"

"Oh no yo' didn't!" "oh yes i dided!" "Gurl yo' dont even no what yo' dealin' with! i will make yo' regret even walkenin' up!" "gurl dat be some big talk from a gurl with nothin' but a plastic body!" "Oh snap gurl on no yo' didn't!" "oh yeas i dided!" the princess of Lil'Wolfies attacked, she had ben usin' her skillz from da hood to beat diz gurl usin' dat chelo of hers! she be usin' dem climbin' skillz to climb up da poll and jump kick Spongbobish taking her chello and wacking her into space by swingin' dat chell liek a bat!

Princess La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice had been victirous!

A few days later her and Herbert got married, but all wasnt good. Outt'a nowher' a gang appeared and started gang warz! As Princess La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice said "I do take yo as meh man and only as meh man." Magic flaried i m the place and everyone died, an so ended the legacy of Princess La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice. She was slayed by Daimen of the gang "I relly h8 Charile Brown cuz He Stole Meh Cookies" 

