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Mechanics of Uncommon Dragons

Uncommon Dragons are dragons that have a special set of rules to breed. Each of these dragons has a common counterpart that will be bred more often while the uncommon property is present. The Uncommon Dragons also have a better chance of being bred by higher level dragons.

  • Uncommon Dragons have a lower chance of being bred than their more common counterpart when using basic dragons.
  • Uncommon Dragons cannot be bred when using a Hybrid Dragon if only two elements are in the Elemental Pool. This means you cannot get a Pollen Dragon from Air + Willow, Air + Pollen, Plant + Willow, Plant + Pollen or Willow + Pollen.
  • If you have 3 or more elements in the Elemental Pool, the dragons lose their Uncommon property and gain the same percent chance of being bred as the other possible, common hybrid results. For example, using Air + Cactus gives the possible results of Pollen, Ash, Willow, Cactus, Thunder, and Sonic.

The Uncommon Dragons

IcebergButton SteelButton QuicksilverButton
Iceberg Steel Quicksilver
ForgeButton CopperButton ScoriaButton
Forge Copper Scoria
EvergreenButton PollenButton RainButton
Evergreen Pollen Rain
AshButton ObsidianButton SmokeButton
Ash Obsidian Smoke
GlacierButton HailButton BlizzardButton
Glacier Hail Blizzard
ThunderButton RiverButton
Thunder River Meteor


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