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DragonVale Wiki

The Shimmering Solstice was a mini-event which was first introduced to DragonVale for one week in June 2016 and returned in June 2017. Its introduction allowed Gemstone Dragons and Crystalline Dragons to breed for the first time in the history of DragonVale

During the Shimmering Solstice, all Gemstone Dragons and Crystalline Dragons were able to breed for the duration of the event.

Additionally, all gem-earning dragons (i.e. Gemstone Dragons and Crystalline Dragons), as well as their affiliated decorations and egg pedestals, were available for purchase in the market.

Additionally, the Dragonsai Bush was available for purchase in the market for 40 gems.

During the the first Shimmering Solstice in 2016, the Dragonsai Bush allowed players to gift one additional gem per day, for a total of two gems. After the event, it returned to one gem. The 2017 event did not repeat this feature.



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