The crowd is packed, the stage is set. A thick puff of smoke appears, but no one is yet to be seen. Crowd members are looking all around, above and below, behind and in front, trying to find whoever or whatever is on stage. When suddenly two peculiar boxes colorful in pattern, float gently onto the stage and from them pop out two dragons, bowing gracefully to the viewers. And so the show begins! Performing one trick after another, the duo leave the crowd in awe after each brilliant performance. Every Wizard, Witch and wizzling trying to figure out the magic tricks, only to fall short of the truth. For as someone once greatly put it, when you are looking for the secret behind the trick, you won't find it. Because you aren't really looking, as your mind wants to be tricked. With one final act, the show ends, the dragons bow gracefully once more and disappear just as they came in. One might ask if the dragons are siblings, tow of the same but in clever disguise, or twins even. Only one thing is for certain - one is a prestina, and the other, in turn, is prestige.