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Metal Shrine

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Available Level 25
Buy Coin template 15,000,000
Sell Coin template N/A
EXP NewExperienceIcon 15,000,000
Upgradable From: N/A Size 2 X 2
Upgradable To: Silver Stage Building Time 12 H
Game Description
The mere visage of Slameg the Singer can hardly do justice to a dragon known better for the sounds he made than his physical appearance. As a friend to Morison the miner, Slameg helped search for rich mineral veins inside dark carverns, signaling what he found using his unique "wub-wub" cry and pounding out a rhythm with his tail. Over the years, Slameg's rhythms and voice were recreated by magical minstrels in a form of music dubbed Tailstep. If you listen closely, you may be able to hear Slameg's characteristic cry resonating from this magical statue. After building this Shrine, it will track the number of metal dragons raised to level 10 in your park (even after you sell them). Once you have accumulated 50 level 10 metal dragons, all metal dragons/hybrids in your park will be able to achieve level 15! Then if you accumulate 50 level 15 dragons, they'll be able to reach level 20!

Upgrading Metal Shrine

After the Metal Shrine is built, it will track the number of dragons with the metal element that were raised to level 10 in the park. Once 50 level 10 dragons with the metal element are accumulated, all pure or/and hybrid metal dragons in the park can be fed treats to level 15. Once 50 level 15 dragons with the metal element are accumulated, they can be fed treats and leveled up to level 20. Dragons sold after the Metal Shrine has been obtained will still be counted towards the total.

Effective February 19, 2013, shrines can be upgraded to silver and gold using gems.

  • Shrines can be upgraded to silver for half a number of gems equal to the number of dragons needed to upgrade the shrine, rounded up to the next gem, or Gem template 25 if none have reached level 10.
  • Shrines can be upgraded to gold for a number of gems equal to the number of dragons needed to upgrade the shrine, or Gem template 50 if none have reached level 15.


Possible References

  • The Metal Shrine's description mentions, "Tailstep". This is likely a reference to Dubstep, a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South London, England.
    • The Metal Shrine's description mentions, "wub-wub". This is likely a reference to the "Wub Wub" effect of Dubstep.
  • The Metal Shrine's description mentions, "Morison". This is likely a reference to the Global Dub Festival held in Morrison, Colorado in 2012.

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