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Large Metal Habitat

Current - Previous

Available Level 20
Buy Coin template 2,500,000
Sell Coin template 1,250,000
EXP NewExperienceIcon 2,000,000
Size 6 X 6
Element Metal Element Dragons
Dragon Capacity 4
Upgradable From Metal Habitat Currency Capacity Coin template 125,000
Upgradable To Giant Metal Habitat Building Time 20 H
Game Description
Being larger, with more metal shards means that you can keep even more metal dragons happy in this habitat! Unfortunately it also means we needed additional help from some, um, not so experienced wizards to create extra portals. I heard that one of the portals was so unstable that it collapsed and pulled in one of the wizards! I wonder if we'll ever see them again...


  • The Large Metal Habitat was released on March 21, 2012, along with the metal element, Cactus Dragon, Lichen Dragon, Shard of Tull, Metal Element Flag, Metal Dragon Boost, Metal Shrine, and the Metal Habitat.
  • On April 17, 2013, the Large Metal Habitat slightly changed in appearance.
    • On April 18, 2013, the Large Metal Habitat changed back to its original appearance but reverted to the newer appearance on April 22, 2013.
  • On April 29, 2013, the Large Metal Habitat received its own unique sound upon clicking it.
  • Initially, the Large Metal Habitat was available at level 19, but the level availability was changed on October 9, 2013, to level 20.

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