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Indicators are within DragonVale to notify players if certain content is ready to interact with.

Indicators have been referred to as "hover notifications" or "pop-up notifications" within the DragonVale Community before learning of their official name.

Indicators appear to hover around the center of the content that can be interacted with.

Some indicators have been around since the start of DragonVale such as the DragonCash, Treats, Experience, and Breed.

Other indicators were introduced later on as new content and features were added such as Gems, Fountain of Youth, Quests, Cooperative Breeding and Vision Play Icons.

Indicator Examples[]

Update  Below are examples of different indicators within DragonVale:

GemHover Gem Hover
When a gemstone habitat has at least one gem ready to collect
DragonCash1Hover DragonCash Hover
When a habitat is one-third filled
DragonCash2Hover DragonCash Hover
When a habitat is two-thirds filled
TreatHover Treat Hover When treats are done harvesting on a Treat Farms
XpHover XP Hover When experience is ready to be collected after constructing buildings/habitats and clearing obstacles
XPHover XP Hover (Original) When experience is ready to be collected after constructing buildings/habitats and clearing obstacles
EtheriumHover Etherium Hover When a Rift Habitat is at least one-third filled
UpgradeHover Upgrade Hover When a building/habitat is is finished upgrading
BreedHover Breed Hover When a breeding habitat is done incubating the resulting egg is placed in the Nursery
FountainOfYouthHover Fountain of Youth Hover When the Fountain of Youth is done with the transformation the dragon can be sent back to its habitat
KairosQuestHover Quest Hover When a quest is done the dragon can be sent back to its habitat
CooperativeBreedHover Coopertaive Breed Hover When the Cooperative Breeding Cave is done incubating the resulting egg is placed in the Nursery
RiftBreedHover Rift Breed Hover When the Rift Breeding Cave is done incubating the resulting dragon being able to be hatched, sold, released, or turned into an egg pedestal
GreenExclamationPointHover Green Exclamation Point Hover When Rift Gate is done transporting a dragon or egg pedestal
VisionHoverButton Vision Hover When a vision advertisement is available to view at Tolzar's Optical Oracle
OfferwallOnlyHoverButton Offerwall Hover When an Offerwall opportunities are available at Tolzar's Optical Oracle
OfferwallHoverButton Vision and Offerwall Hover When a vision advertisement and Offerwall opportunities are available at Tolzar's Optical Oracle

Optional Indicator Examples[]

Update  Below are examples of different indicators within DragonVale which were given an option be turned on/off via the Options Menu:

RedExclamationHover Red Exclamation Hover
When an interactive dragon activity such as Breeding Caves, Colosseum, Dragon Track, Bahamut's Basilica, and Tiamat's Lair has an opportunity to be used
GreenCheckHover Green Check Hover When certain dragon activities have completed such as the Colosseum
ZSnoozIconHover Z Snooze Hover When a treat farm is available to use
VaultChestHover Vault Chest Hover When Ts'aishen has a "Free Vault Chest" to collect at the Vault of Abundance

Limited-Time Indicators[]

Update  An indicator will appear if a "Daily Gift" is available to collect during an event.

Update  Some Indicators appear during events such indicators with the specific Event Currency for that Event when a Challenge is complete.

GiftAvailableHover Gift Available Hover
When a gift from an event's daily login is ready to collect
TicketHover Ticket Hover
When an event with Eggy Hatchy has turns available
When a challenge in an event with Tickets event currency is complete
MagicHover Magic Hover
When a challenge in an event with Magic event currency is complete
CandyHover Candy Hover
When a challenge in an event with Candy event currency is complete
MagicEggHover Magic Egg Hover
When a challenge in an event with Magic Eggs event currency is complete
StarDustHover Star Dust Hover
When a challenge in an event with Star Dust event currency is complete
IceberryHover Iceberry Hover
When a challenge in an event with Iceberries event currency is complete
DoubloonHover Doubloon Hover
When a challenge in an event with Doubloons event currency is complete



  • On September 14, 2011, the DragonCash, Treats, Experience, and Breeding Complete indicators were introduced with the initial release of DragonVale.
  • On February 21, 2012, the Fountain of Youth indicator was added.
  • On May 17, 2012, the Gem indicator was added.
  • On December 16, 2016, the Vision indicator was added.
  • On October 17, 2012 the Quests indicator was added.
  • On May 5, 2015, the Cooperative Breeding indicator was added.
  • On September 13, 2017 the Rift Breeding and Green Exclamation Point, indicators was added.
  • On an unknown date, the Offerwall indicator was added.
  • On August 1, 2024, Optional Indicators were added into the game which could be turned on/off at the very bottom of the Options Menu.
    • These were the Red Exclamation, Green Checkmark, Z Icon, and Vault Chest indicators.

Possible References[]

  • The "play button" icon for the Vision Advertisements may be a reference to the "play button" on remotes or media devices that have audio/visual interactive capabilities to start playing content.
  • The "Z" snooze icon may be a reference to "sleeping on an opportunity" by not utlizing every Treat Farm available.

Dragons Heart Purpleeggbutton Buildings Island Habitatsbutton Decorations QuestButton WhiteSocialIcon
Dragons Breeding Eggs Buildings Islands Habitats Decorations Quests Friends