This dragon will alarm you when there's a full moon!
Primary Elements When Breeding
Possible Rift Traits
Game Description
Through the woods it stalked alone, Roaming lands but not its own. When the full moon lit the sky, Piercing the night with its lonely cry. A family's love brought it peace, From its wild ways, it found release. Now it watches, brave and strong, Where it once did not belong.
The wizards somehow found a way to prevent the Awoo Dragon egg from hatching while in your magical park by placing it on this pedestal. Unfortunately eggs placed on these can never be hatched while they remain on the grounds of your park. They sure do make neat decorations though!
+30% Dark Total Boost:+130%+30% Cold Total Boost:+130%+30% Dark, +30% Cold Total Boost:+160% Boost Calculation Guide to use with the page linked above.