DragonVale Wiki
DragonVale Wiki
8th Anniversary Statue
Level RequiredLevel 8
BuyCoin template 1,000
SellCoin template 500
EXPNewExperienceIcon 500
Size1 x 1
ElementIcon Celebration
Game Description
This ceremonious decoration was crafted with care to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the Vale's grand opening. Dragon parks have since become commonplace, but back then, no one knew it would be possible for magicfolk and dragons to live in true harmony. Very few still think of this place as an amusement. In fact, most know it as a home.

Release History

Release​ Removal​
September 14, 2019​ September 30, 2019​
September 14, 2022​ September 28, 2022​
September 14, 2023​ September 28, 2023​
September 13, 2024​ September 27, 2024​
Affiliated Dragon: Terracotta Dragon


  • The 8th Anniversary Statue was released alongside the Terracotta Dragon on September 14th, 2019.

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