DragonVale Wiki
DragonVale Wiki
7th Anniversary Statue
Level RequiredLevel 8
BuyCoin template 1,000
SellCoin template 500
EXPNewExperienceIcon 500
Size3 x 3
ElementIcon Celebration
Game Description
The sound of silence can be a wondrous thing, yet grins go 'round every time these strings ping. There's not one grouch left in the crowd when a melody sings loud, some even bellow, “Seven years proud!”

Release History

Release​ Removal​
September 21, 2018​ September 24, 2018​
September 14, 2022​ September 28, 2022​
September 14, 2023​ September 28, 2023​
September 13, 2024​ September 27, 2024​
Affiliated Dragon: Embossed Dragon


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