DragonVale Wiki
DragonVale Wiki
11th Anniversary Statue
Level RequiredLevel 8
BuyCoin template 1,000
SellCoin template 500
EXPNewExperienceIcon 1,100
Size4 x 2
ElementIcon Celebration
Game Description
It is the 11th anniversary of DragonVale! This statue was crafted to symbolize how everyone plays their part in making the dream that is the Vale come true! Everyone doing their part to make each day brighter than the day before!

Release History

Release​ Removal​
September 14, 2022​ September 28, 2022​
September 14, 2023​ September 28, 2023​
September 13, 2024​ September 27, 2024​
Affiliated Dragon: Vaul Dragon


  • The 11th Anniversary Statue was released alongside the Vaul Dragon on September 14th, 2022.
  • The 11th Anniversary Statue is one of the few decorations with a rectangular shape, with a 4x2 tile orientation.

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